NBA News

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Biography

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, born Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr. on April 16, 1947, in New York City, is a basketball legend. He was 7 feet 2 inches tall, but Abdul-Jabbar’s effect on the NBA went beyond his size. He was one of the sport’s most famous and powerful characters during his career. This article examines the life, career, and legacy of the man recognized for his skyhook shot and unrelenting dedication to basketball and social action.

Early Life

Harlem was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s starting point to basketball perfection. Ferdinand Alcindor, a middle-class kid, loved basketball. He stood out at Power Memorial Academy in high school due to his height and skill.

Abdul-Jabbar led Power Memorial to three New York City Catholic titles and a 71-game winning run in his senior season. His prowess on the floor gave him the moniker “The Tower from Power,” and basketball was his future.

After a stellar high school career, Abdul-Jabbar attended UCLA, where he played for John Wooden. His influence on college football was immediate and significant. Abdul-Jabbar earned the tournament’s Most Outstanding Player and led UCLA to three straight NCAA titles from 1967 to 1969.

Personal Life

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s personal life is distinguished by spirituality and social justice. After converting to Islam, Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr. became Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in 1971. His new name, “Kareem” meaning generous and “Abdul-Jabbar” meaning “servant of the powerful,” expresses his trust in God.

Abdul-Jabbar has championed civil rights and social justice off the court. He has spoken out against racial inequity, prejudice, and injustice throughout his life. Beyond words, he supported humanitarian organizations and activities promoting equality and education.

Professional Career

His NBA debut occurred in 1969 when the Milwaukee Bucks drafted him first overall. As NBA Rookie of the Year, he made an immediate impression. Abdul-Jabbar became a league powerhouse with the Bucks and then the Lakers.

Abdul-Jabbar’s “skyhook” shot was unstoppable. His signature technique was a one-handed, high-release blast that was practically unblockable. With his quickness and footwork, he was a scoring machine and won several awards.

In 1971, Abdul-Jabbar led the Bucks to their lone NBA title and won the NBA Finals MVP. However, his 1975 transfer to the Lakers cemented his legend. Together with Magic Johnson, the Lakers dominated the NBA.

Abdul-Jabbar won five more NBA titles with the Lakers in 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, and 1988. This decade saw him win two NBA Finals MVP titles (1980 and 1985) and score prolifically, garnering All-Star and All-NBA Team accolades.

Abdul-Jabbar was consistent and long-lasting. Multiple league scoring champion, he dominated both sides of the floor during his career. He still owns the NBA’s all-time scoring record with 38,387 points after surpassing Wilt Chamberlain in 1984.


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s lengthy list of individual trophies and distinctions shows his unmatched abilities and contributions to basketball:

NBA champion six times (1971–1988)

Six-time NBA MVP

19-time NBA All Star

15-time NBA All-NBA

11-time NBA All-Defense

1970 Rookie of the Year

MVP of 1980 and 1985 NBA Finals

Winner of NBA scoring title (1971–1980)

NBA rebounding champ (1976)

NBA blocks leader (1975)

MVP 1980 NBA All-Star Game

Career leader in NBA scoring (38,387 points)

Top guard and forward shot blocker in NBA history

Most prolific guard and forward rebounder in NBA history


NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar dominated, excelled, and lived long. His contributions to the game went beyond scoring and shot-blocking. He revolutionized the center position with his stature, talent, and agility.

Abdul-Jabbar’s skyhook is a basketball classic. Its efficacy and near-impossibility to defend showed his passion to his art. Generations of basketball players were inspired by his dedication to skill development.

Abdul-Jabbar had a big effect off the field too. His civil rights and social justice crusade made him a cultural hero and basketball great. His platform raised awareness of key issues and he relentlessly tried to improve society.

Abdul-Jabbar also influenced NBA players of the future. Many big guys after him tried to replicate his style and integrate pieces of his game. His passion to fitness and conditioning inspired sportsmen to perform well into their 30s and beyond.

In addition to basketball, Abdul-Jabbar wrote books, articles, and gave speeches. His advocacy for education and critical thinking and intellectual curiosity is profound. His books, “Giant Steps” and “Becoming Kareem,” reveal his life, career, and social conscience.

Abdul-Jabbar has garnered several accolades for his basketball and social efforts. President Barack Obama gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016, solidifying his reputation as an American legend.

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Elizabeth Samson

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